Stately is an unofficial NationStates app for Android.
- Get your nation's stats, policies, rankings and happenings.
- Respond to issues encountered by your nation.
- Login and switch between different nations.
- Browse through and move to different regional communities.
- Chat with other players and more in RMBs.
- Observe and vote on current World Assembly resolutions.
- Endorse nations and participate in R/D gameplay.
- Read, manage, write and reply to telegrams.
- Discover trends in national, regional and world census statistics.
- Compile all your happenings together with the Activity Feed.
- Get notified and stay up to date on new issues, telegrams and other events.
- Make it your own: choose between five different themes and more.
NationStates is an online text-based political nation-simulation game by Max Barry. He's the author of Jennifer Government (a great read!), which is the novel NationStates is based on.
Stately's Privacy Policy can be found here.
Technical Details
Stately was built from the ground up with Android Jetpack libraries in order to use the latest Material Design elements and tools as a basis for the app. Stately uses Volley to communicate with NationStates and its API through a secure connection. It then processes the data with jsoup and SimpleXML.
Stately also uses the following open-source libraries:
- Coil
- Evo Reflector
- HtmlTextView
- Material Components for Android
- MPAndroidChart
- PagerSlidingTabStrip
- Pulsator4Droid
- Slidr
- Sugar ORM
- SwipyRefreshLayout
Stately uses Creative Commons-licensed content from the following sources: