Budgetbot is smart AI personal assistant on Google Home that helps university students manage their finances better.
With Budgetbot, you can check your account balance and (if you're keen) stock portfolio from the comfort of your bed.
Just say 'Ok Google, talk to Budgetbot' and go nuts.

Not sure if you have any bills due? No worries! Simply ask Budgetbot for your bills this month.
You can even ask your personal financial assistant to pay them off for you.
The Story
The idea behind Budgetbot is simple. University students love tech: our lives revolve around our favourite tech products. On the other hand, university students are uncertain about traditional banking: it's a hassle to go all the way to a branch, and even online banking can be confusing sometimes.
Budgetbot aims to bridge this divide between tech and traditional banking, in turn disrupting the way we normally bank. With personal assistants such as Google Home and Amazon Alexa becoming commonplace, it is important for banks to remain ahead with projects like Budgetbot.
Budgetbot was built at DeltaHacks 3 in McMaster University (Hamilton, ON), where it won the 'Best Voice Navigation Banking Hack' award from TD Bank.